Missouri Presbytery (PCA) Declares Federal Visionist Jeffrey Meyers Not Guilty of Federal Vision

April 2012

The Missouri Presbytery of the PCA concluded a trial of Jeffrey Meyers over the weekend of April 13-14, 2012 and declared Federal Visionist Meyers not guilty on five charges. The charges and the verdicts are as follows:

  1. That TE Meyers has taught and defended “a view of covenant theology that is contrary to the covenant of works and covenant of grace distinction as set forth in the Westminster Standards.” Verdict: 3-G, 39-NG, 0-A
  2. That TE Meyers has taught and defended “a view that denies the imputation of the active obedience of Christ contrary to the Westminster Standards.” Verdict: 0-G, 40-NG, 2-A
  3. That TE Meyers has taught and defended “a view that baptism effects a saving, covenantal union with Christ, and that such union occurs with all the baptized, thus creating a parallel soteriological system contrary to the Westminster Standards.” Verdict: 1-G, 41-NG, 0-A
  4. That TE Meyers has taught and defended “a view that some can receive saving benefits and then lose them thereby overturning the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints contrary to the Westminster Standards.” Verdict: 2-G, 39-NG, 1-A
  5. That TE Meyers has taught and defended “a view that justification is not by faith alone, but by personal loyalty to the covenant, which is a form of works-righteousness, and is contrary to the Westminster Standards.” Verdict: 1-G, 41-NG, 0-A

The finding of Federal Visionists as not guilty of teaching the Federal Vision has now happened in at least three presbyteries of the PCA - The Pacific Northwest Presbytery (Petr Leithart), The Siouxlands Presbytery (Greg Lawrence), and now the Missouri Presbytery (Jeffrey Meyers).

For more information read here and here.

Update: Paul Elliott has recently published an article on the PCA's further slide into apostasy. You can read it here.