N. T. Wright to Speak in Louisiana in 2005
December 2003
We have just learned (from Bishop Wright himself) that Bishop N. T. Wright, Bishop of Durham in the apostate Anglican Church and leading spokesman for the New Perspective on Paul and new Quest for the Historical Jesus movements, will be a featured speaker at the Auburn Avenue Pastors Conference in Louisiana in January 2005.
Helen Straughan, the Bishop's Administrative Assistant, also referred us to Jeffrey Steel of the John Knox Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Ruston, Louisiana, for details. (Steel is a supporter and colleague of Steve Wilkins in the Louisiana Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America. You can view Steel in his clerical costumes at www.johnknoxpca.org.)
The Auburn Avenue Pastors Conference is the annual conference sponsored by the Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church of Monroe, Louisiana. The Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America. Both the denomination and that particular church profess to believe the Scriptures and the Westminster Confession of Faith. The Auburn Avenue Church has also adopted a "Summary Statement" that contradicts the Scriptures and the Westminster Confession of Faith).
At the Auburn Avenue Pastors Conference next month, January 2004, the AAPC, in addition to its own clergymen, Steve Wilkins and Rich Lusk, will feature speakers John Frame (they seem to have given Mr. Frame an unearned doctorate at their church website) of the Formerly Reformed Theological Seminary; the perennial conference favorite Douglas Wilson (the AAPC has not yet awarded him a doctorate) from Moscow, Idaho; and Dr. John Armstrong, a Baptist who heads the misleadingly named "Reformation and Revival Ministries." (Apparently Steve Wilkins and the session of the Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church have no objections to a Baptist teaching in their church, so long as the Baptist denies the merits of Christ, repudiates the Gospel, and preaches covenantal legalism.)
The appearance of Bishop N. T. Wright in January 2005 will be the culmination of years of efforts by the Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church to replace the Gospel of justification by faith alone with another message in the PCA. The AAPC has published and promoted N. T. Wright's new "gospel" in their nationally distributed church newsletter, and now they are planning to host Wright himself at their 2005 conference.
Meanwhile, neither the Louisiana Presbytery nor the Presbyterian Church in America as a whole has taken any effective action to stop the growing apostasy in their midst.
John Robbins
The Trinity Foundation
December 15, 2003
For further reading go to the Review Archives page at http://www.trinityfoundation.org