Pronouncement of the Verdict

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Trial of Elder John O. Kinnaird

1-25-03, Fourth Day, Second Session

The Pronouncement of the Verdict

Bethany Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Oxford, PA



Winward: At this point we will recess for lunch to come back at 1:30 when the judicatory will begin its deliberations.  Let's bow in prayer.


[There is nothing else recorded until the judicatory returns from their deliberations at 4:35 p.m.  (Time recorded from W. Wilkening’s notes.)  The judicatory did gather at 1:30 to announce that they would be retiring for private deliberations.]




Winward: ... still waiting for our other two members.   These are serious and weighty matters and as I declare the verdict of this judicatory, I expect proper decorum, as we hear these.

With respect to specification number one: does specification number one sustain the charge?

The vote was four, yes; one, no.


With respect to specification number two: does specification two sustain the charge?

Five, yes.


Specification Three.  Does specification three sustain the charge?

Four, yes.  Out of four votes cast. 


I declare that the charge is sustained by virtue of the sustaining the specifications.


In connection with these things we were also required by the Book of Discipline to propose a censure, which will not be pronounced at this point because the defense has ten days to make appeal. 


The judicatory proposes as a censure: indefinite suspension from office by unanimous vote. 


That ends the trial.  These proceedings are done.


Tyson: Mr. Moderator?

Winward: Mr. Tyson.

TT: May we please interpose in one place a list of our objections and give that to the ...

Winward: Yes, we will accept objections.  The clerk will receive them. 

TT: And do we ... if we intend to appeal, do we do that after the trial? [inaudible]


Winward: This trial is concluded.  Let us pray.


 Lord, we feel the weight of these responsibilities.  We feel the awesome pressure of what we have had to do.  Oh, Lord, we ask that in your great providence and your love and mercy, you will use even these things to the good of your people, to the good of your church.  We praise you and we thank you for your sustaining mercies.  And we ask, O Lord, that you would help us.  Be with us.  Encourage us.  As we continue on serving you.  We pray this in Jesus’ name.  Amen.


TT: Mr. Moderator? Now?

Winward: Mr. Tyson.

TT: This is the letter of intention of giving notice to appeal to the Presbytery of Philadelphia. [Inaudible discussion follows for a few seconds.]


Winward: That's fine.   Intention to appeal has been received.    These things are concluded.