Antichrist's Irredentist Illegal Alien Assault on America: A Review of Strangers No Longer
Steven T. Matthews
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Editor’s note: The following article is the text of the message Mr. Matthews presented for the 2024 Reformation Day Livestream. It will continue in succeeding Trinity Reviews.
It was just recently that I was surprised to hear about a growing crisis in Springfield, Ohio, surrounding the large population of Haitians who had taken up residence there. I was surprised because I have spent much time studying and writing about America’s long-running immigration crisis. Further, Springfield is more or less in my backyard, just an hour’s drive away. However, I was unaware of the situation until it burst onto the national scene in the late summer of 2024.
According to most reports, approximately 15,000 – 20,000 Haitians have moved to Springfield in recent years, a city with a population of 58,000. As you may imagine, such a massive influx of people in such a short time would create difficulties even under the best of circumstances. And what has been going on in Springfield is far from the best circumstances.
Some of the first evidence I saw of the crisis were testimonies of Springfield residents before the Springfield City Commission pleading for help with what had become an unlivable situation.[1] Hearing their testimony, I was reminded of the verse from Isaiah I quoted in my Reformation Day 2022 presentation, “Your land, strangers devour it in your presence.” Strangers are devouring Springfield in the very presence of the city’s historical population. Yet those in positions of power seem far more concerned with justifying the decisions that led to this disastrous situation and denouncing those who have called attention to it than protecting the lives and property of the people who elected them to office and to whom they are responsible.
How is it possible for 20,000 Haitians to suddenly show up in a medium-sized Ohio city with no historical ties to Haiti? Who orchestrated this situation? If you’ve listened to or read my earlier Reformation Day presentations on immigration, you won’t be surprised to find out that the Antichrist Roman Church-State’s fingerprints are all over the disaster in Springfield.
One clue is a story in the Springfield News-Sun dated January 18, 2024. The headline reads “New Catholic Charities center to help city’s Haitian population with immigration, jobs.” In the article, we read, “A new Springfield facility that will provide services including help with immigration status applications, legal advocacy and case management, will open this year.” Note that the facility is set up not to do anything for the suffering residents of the Springfield but to facilitate the ongoing importation of Haitians into the area. We learn from the article that the facility “will be operated by Catholic Charities of Southwest Ohio, which has been providing aid in Springfield for about a year and a half,”[2] according to CEO Tony Stieritz.
In a statement issued on September 9, 2024, Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio denied having any role in bringing migrants to the Springfield area or offering resettlement services.[3] Yet by making it easier for Haitians to settle in Springfield, Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio is aiding in destruction of the city.
Much more can be written about the terrible situation in Springfield that has been brought about in part by the efforts of Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio. Just as the disaster along America’s border with Mexico has been brought about by Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, so too is Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio facilitating the destruction of Springfield, Ohio.[4]
But as bad as things are in Springfield, the situation there is but one manifestation of Rome’s longstanding, ongoing immigration war on the United States and the historic Protestant American nation.
I’ve titled this talk “Antichrist’s Irredentist Immigration Assault on America: A Review of Strangers No Longer.” Before going on, it would be helpful to define a few terms.
My definition of Antichrist is the same as that of the Westminster Confession of Faith that historically has identified “the Pope of Rome” as “that Antichrist, man of sin and son of perdition, that exalteth himself in the Church against Christ, and all that it called God.”[5]
While this definition of Antichrist was the standard position of Reformed writers from the 16th century through the early 20th century, calling the Pope “Antichrist” today is considered, at best, bad manners and shocking in many circles.
The identification of the Pope of Rome as Antichrist is one of the more prominent conclusions of what is known as the “Protestant system” of prophetic interpretation. This school of thought is also known as Historicism.[6] Historicists hold that Revelation records the history of the church from the time John wrote the book in the first century through the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Irredentist is the adjectival form of the noun Irredentism. Christian J. Pinto has described irredentism as Jesuit immigration warfare.
Encyclopedia Britanica defines “irredentism” as “the process by which a part of an existing state breaks away and merges with another.”
By way of example, one of the most obviously irredentist movements in the United States was called La Reconquista, Spanish for “the reconquest.” This term was quite popular in the first decade of the 2000s. It was described in the Washington Times as “a radical movement calling for Mexico to ‘reconquer’ America’s Southwest.”[7] The idea was that Mexico would retake the territory it lost to the United States due to the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago, which ended the Mexican-American War (1846-48).
One wonders about the recent disappearance of the term “la reconquista” in the popular press. Given the flood of aliens, both legal and illegal, pouring into the United States under the Biden Administration, perhaps the Roman Church-State feared using the term would make what’s going on a bit too obvious.
I use this term in the general sense of “entrance into a country for the purpose of settling there.” There are several different ways foreigners can enter the United States. Some individuals come here intending to permanently settle in the United States as resident aliens or citizens. Others come here on work visas or student visas with the understanding that they will return to their home countries once their studies are completed, or their work arrangements end. Others are here under Temporary Protected Status (TPS), which means they are supposed to go home when the emergency in their home country has passed. In practice, there are few things more permanent than the presence of individuals with TPS.[8] In this talk, I use “immigration” as a non-technical term to cover how foreigners come to settle in America in the long term.
The United States has been under attack by the Roman Church-State for most of its history. Some of these attacks I mentioned in my Reformation Day livestream last year and will not repeat them here.[9] The millions of aliens pouring across America’s borders during the current presidential administration is no accident but rather an orchestrated assault, an attack, a war being conducted against the American republic. The principal agent of this assault is the Church-State working through the Roman Catholic, Jesuit-connected Biden Administration.
I use the terms “America” and “United States” interchangeably.
Exsul Familia Nazarethanaand Strangers No Longer
In last year’s Reformation Day talk, I discussed Pope Pius XII’s 1952 Apostolic Constitution Exsul Familia Nazarethana (EFN hereafter). This document formalized the principles of Rome’s irredentist immigration practice.
One of the noteworthy features of this apostolic constitution was how it specifically targeted the United States. In 1952, the 1924 Johnson-Reed Act still governed America’s immigration policy. This Act prevented Rome from flooding America with Roman Catholic immigrants as it had in the latter half of the 19th century. Reading between the lines, one gets the sense that EFN was written, at least in part, to overturn the 1924 Johnson-Reed Act and allow Rome to restart the process of inundating America with its foot soldiers.
The Vatican got its wish with the 1965 Immigration Act, championed in the Senate by Edward Kennedy.[10] This Act was a legacy achievement of President John F. Kennedy, whose posthumous book A Nation of Immigrants was published in 1964, calling for an end to the national origins immigration quotas that had been in place since 1924.[11]
The topic of today’s talk is another important Roman Catholic document on immigration titled Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope (SNL hereafter).[12] SNL can be viewed as applying the general Roman Catholic migration principles found in EFN to the specific situation of the United States and Mexico.
SNLis the title of a 2003 pastoral letter issued jointly by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and their counterparts in Mexico. We will now turn to an analysis of this document.
In his 1984 book American Democracy & the Vatican: Population Growth & National Security, author Stephen D. Mumford noted, “Americans…are also aware that 90 percent of all illegal immigrants are Roman Catholic.”[13] Granted, these are old numbers and may not reflect the current religious affiliation of the millions of illegal aliens who have entered the United States during the Biden Administration. Nevertheless, Roman Catholics remain a significant portion of the aliens, legal and illegal, currently pouring across America’s borders.
Drawing on the dogmas outlined in Pope Pius XII’s 1952 Apostolic Constitution EFN, SNL can be seen as Rome’s irredentist battle plan to conquer America for the Roman Church-State using illegal immigration as one of its principal weapons. Rome’s approach to illegal immigration can be summarized thus: get ‘em in, keep ‘em in, put ‘em on the dole, legalize ‘em.
This author contends that the ongoing border disaster that has occurred during the Biden Administration is proof that the SNL battle plan against America is working. Whether it will continue to work is ultimately up to the Lord. But in a proximate sense, whether Antichrist succeeds or fails in his bid to Romanize America is up to America’s Protestants. But the American Protestant church has largely taken itself out of the fight, or perhaps more accurately, has never gotten in the fight in the first place.
Liberal Protestantism is just as bad as Romanism on immigration. In my experience, liberal Protestantism, at least on the issue of immigration, is simply a colony of Rome, presenting the same basic arguments for mass, socialist immigration as do Catholic priests, nuns, bishops, cardinals, and popes, only without all the specifically Catholic rhetoric and symbols.
Bible-believing Protestants, while better than the liberals, still largely fail to understand that Rome is the primary cause of America’s illegal alien disaster. Further, they fail to recognize Rome’s irredentist immigration assault on America for what it is, the work of Antichrist. This is due to their abandonment of the Historicist school of prophetic interpretation and their embrace of Jesuit-created alternatives such as Preterism and Futurism.
Historicism, or the Church Historical Approach, is the eschatological school that understands Revelation as “a prophecy about the whole history of the church from the ascension of Christ to his second coming.”[14] One of the key doctrines of Historicism is its identification of the “Pope of Rome” as “that Antichrist, that man of Sin and son of perdition” spoken of in the Scriptures. Had Protestants not thrown out their forefather’s Biblical eschatology and replaced it with Jesuit-inspired substitutes, it is doubtful that Rome would be anywhere near as successful as it currently is at carrying out its irredentist immigration policies. As it stands, Antichrist is actively destroying the United States of America with his irredentist immigration battle plan while most Protestants, even believing Protestants, fail to recognize his work, even though it’s being done right under their noses.[15]
It is my prayer that the following analysis of SNL will serve to open the eyes of my fellow American Protestants to the great danger they are in due to Antichrist’s aggressive immigration war on America.
SNLis a Marian Document
One facet of SNL that should not be overlooked is that it is a hard-core Marian document referencing Our Lady of Guadalupe on five occasions. In paragraph 3 of SNL, the bishops write,
On January 23, 1999, at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pope John Paul II presented his apostolic exhortation Ecclesia in America, which resulted from the Synod of Bishops of America.[16]
The significance of Ecclesia in America (EIA hereafter)to SNL can be seen from the fact that the bishops specifically note at the end of SNL that their letter was “Delivered on the fourth anniversary of Ecclesia in America, January 22, 2003, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., and Mexico City, Mexico.”
EIA is itself a strongly Marian document referring to “Our Lady of Guadalupe” as “Queen of all America,”[17] “Patroness of all America and Star of the first and new evangelization,”[18] and “Mother and Evangelizer of America.”[19] Further, as the quote above notes, it was delivered “at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe,” which is in Mexico City, supposedly at the site of the apparition of “Mary.”
Writing in EIA, Pope John Paul II, himself an avid devotee of Mary, expressed his desire to see that “the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother and Evangelizer of America, be celebrated throughout the continent on December 12.”[20]
Our Lady of Guadalupe has long been considered a national symbol of Mexico, perhaps the national symbol. Pope John Paul II’s endorsement of the apparition[21] and recognition of Juan Diego as a saint have elevated Our Lady of Guadalupe as one of the primary symbols of Rome’s irredentist immigration war on the United States.
An example of the central role Our Lady of Guadalupe plays in Rome’s irredentist immigration assault on America can be seen in a striking photograph from 2018. The picture shows a large statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe being unloaded from a truck at the US-Mexico border wall in Tijuana, Mexico.[22] A mass was held at the site, followed by a procession with the statue. The caption under the photo reads in part, “The Mass and a procession with the statue of our Lady of Guadalupe were a call to remember and pray for migrants and were led by Archbishop Francisco Moreno Barron of Tijuana.”
Back to SNL, the bishops further push their Marian dogma, writing,
Under the light of the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe to the littlest of her children, who were as powerless as most migrants are today, our continent’s past and present receive new meaning. It was St. Juan Diego whom our Mother asked to build a temple so in it she could show her love, compassion, aid, and defense to all her children, especially the least among them.[23]
Rome’s satanic deception of substituting a demonic apparition masquerading as the Biblical Mary for the Lord Jesus Christ and his Gospel of Justification by Belief Alone is a breathtaking blasphemy. The weapons of Rome’s irredentist immigration war on America, far from being mighty in God, are the work of the devil and should be seen as such by all who possess spiritual discernment.
SNLIs a Socialist Document
“Migrant crisis has US taxpayers on the hook for up to $451B, House GOP report says.” That’s a real headline in The New York Post from November 2023.
According to the article,
Americans could pay up to $451 billion to care for migrants who entered the US illegally, but have been released into the country or escaped from custody, according to a new report due out Monday from House Republicans and obtained exclusively by The Post….
Compiled from federal and state records, media reports and other public information, the 50-page document outlines the taxpayer costs incurred in medical care, housing, education and other welfare benefits for tens of millions of migrants — to say nothing of the additional costs for law enforcement.[24]
One could argue that this report is biased in that it was put out by the GOP while a Democrat was in the White House.
ThePost article cites another study by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) claiming that “federal, state, and local costs of illegal immigration amount to around $182 billion annually – with aliens defraying just $31 billion of that cost in tax revenue.” That means American taxpayers are on the hook for $151 billion.
To bring the discussion of the costs of Antichrist’s irredentist immigration assault on America down to the personal level, Breitbart reports, “In 2017, the National Academies of Science noted that state and local taxpayers are billed about $1,600 each year per immigrant to pay for their welfare and revealed that immigrant households consume 33 percent more cash welfare than American citizen households.”[25] It’s reasonable to assume that the $1,600 billed to state and local taxpayers in 2017 is much higher in 2024.
Many more appalling numbers of this sort could be cited, but these should suffice to give you a sense of the overwhelming financial burden that’s being imposed on the American people.
These numbers are no accident but are the practical outcomes of Rome’s socialist, irredentist immigration war being waged on the American people, a war with its theoretical roots in Roman Catholic Social Teaching.
Under the heading “Migration in the light of Catholic Social Teaching,” we read in SNL,
Catholic teaching has a long and rich tradition in defending the right to migrate…. In modern times, this teaching has developed extensively in response to the worldwide phenomenon of migration. Pope Pius XII reaffirms the Church’s commitment to caring for pilgrims, aliens, exiles, and migrants of every kind in his apostolic constitution Exsul Familia affirming that all peoples have the right to conditions worthy of human life and, if these conditions are not present, the right to migrate. “Then—according to the teachings of [the encyclical] Rerum Novarum—the right of the family to a [life worthy of human dignity] is recognized. When this happens, migration attains its natural scope as experience often shows.”
While recognizing the right of the sovereign state to control its borders, Exsul Familia also establishes that this right is not absolute, stating that the needs of immigrants must be measured against the needs of the receiving countries:
“Since land everywhere offers the possibility of supporting a large number of people, the sovereignty of the State, although it must be respected, cannot be exaggerated to the point that access to this land is, for inadequate or unjustified reasons, denied to needy and decent people from other nations, provided of course, that the public wealth, considered very carefully, does not forbid this.”[26]
Roman Catholic Social Teaching is socialism in theory. In practice, it is the welfare state, big government, globalism, and irredentist immigration invasions.
My Reformation Day talk last year was an analysis of EFN,[27] one of the documents quoted in the above citation. One of the interesting facets of Rome’s immigration socialism is how coy the popes and bishops are about who will foot the enormous costs implied by their immigration war.
If you haven’t guessed by now, dear listener, the payee is you. You are the one who is going to fork over the money to pay for health care, education, and housing for the millions upon millions of aliens, whether legal or illegal, that Antichrist is bringing to America. You are the one who is going to have to have your wages reduced through the increased labor supply and your taxes hiked, either through actual tax increases or through the deceptive policy of inflation.[28]
And according to Pope Pius XII,[29] the author of EFN, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and the Mexican Conference of Catholic Bishops, you have no right to complain. After all, “the sovereignty of the State, although it must be respected, cannot be exaggerated to the point that access to this land is, for inadequate or unjustified reason, denied to needy and decent people from other nations.” Since according to Rome, welfare migrants have a right to barge into your country, your state, and your hometown, and a “right to a life worthy of human dignity,” you have a reciprocal obligation to pay up and no basis to complain about it. Just ask the residents of Springfield, Ohio, who are getting a firsthand taste of what happens when Rome puts your community in its immigration crosshairs.
Put differently, the bishops and popes of Rome have shifted the cost of their irredentist immigration assault on America from themselves onto the shoulders of the American people. The Popes and bishops get to primp and preen and act all pious in public. You get to foot the bill. That’s the pure evil genius you’d expect from “that Antichrist, Man of Sin and Son of Perdition.”[30]
“America is a dying nation. I tell the Mexicans when I am down in Mexico to keep on having children, and then to take back what we took from them: California, Texas, Arizona, and then to take the rest of the country as well.”[31]
Irredentism is probably not a word many of us use in our day-to-day conversations, but it’s an important concept when discussing Antichrist’s immigration assault on America. We defined irredentism earlier in this talk. But if you want an example of it, you would be hard-pressed to find one better than the preceding quote from Roman Catholic priest Paul Marx.
Irredentism, Christian J. Pinto tells us, is Jesuit immigration warfare.[32] It is the idea that by flooding America, a historically Anglo-Protestant nation, with millions of Roman Catholic immigrants – whether they are legal or illegal immigrants, it matters not – the popes, cardinals, bishops, priests, and nuns of Rome hope “to secure” America “to [their] holy church.”[33]
If you look closely, you’ll find irredentism lurking behind many statements in SNL. One of them is found in paragraph 67, where we read: “Family unity also is weakened when the children of immigrants are left unprotected. In the United States, birthright citizenship should be maintained as an important principle in US immigration law.”
One of the most effective irredentist tools in Rome’s toolbox, not only to flood America with illegal aliens but to make it difficult, if not impossible, to deport them, is an oddity in American law that automatically grants citizenship to the children of illegal aliens born in the United States. This is what the bishops mean in the paragraph above when they use the term “birthright citizenship.” Under the current interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment, children born in the United States to illegal alien parents are United States citizens by virtue of their being born here. Such children are sometimes referred to as “anchor babies” as these American citizen children serve as anchors, both making it harder to deport their illegal alien parents and, when they reach adulthood, enabling them to sponsor their parents as well as other family members back in their home countries to become American citizens.
From time to time, the anchor baby issue comes up in political campaigns, so many people have at least heard of the issue. What likely would surprise many people, however, is the size and cost of the problem. The Epoch Times reports,
According to data from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the total number of US-born children of illegal aliens in the United States as of June stood at 5.78 million, a population more than two times that of Chicago.[34]
Breitbart reports that according to a study published in 2018 by the Center for Immigration Studies, close to 400,000 anchor babies are born in the United States each year.
Anchor babies are rewarded with birthright American citizenship despite their parents having no legitimate ties to the US, many having only recently arrived. Years later, when the child is considered an adult, they can sponsor their parents and foreign relatives for green cards — anchoring their family in the US for generations.[35]
The article notes that, of the approximately 400,000 anchor babies born in the US each year, about 300,000 of them are born to illegal alien parents.
Further, the article reports that the number of anchor babies born in the US each year exceeds the number of births in 49 states. Only California, with about 420,000 total births yearly, exceeds the total number of anchor babies born in America annually.
Another facet of the anchor baby issue is that while illegal aliens are ineligible for welfare, their children because they are American citizens, are eligible. As The Epoch Times reports, “A dozen states offer Medicaid to all low-income children regardless of immigration status. Such children also have access to various government food and meal programs.”[36]
What is the cost of all this welfare, including the costs associated with indigent illegal alien mothers giving birth in US hospitals? As you might expect, it’s a big number. One old article from NBC News claims, “Each year about 16,000 babies are born at Parkland. The hospital estimates about 70 percent of them are delivered by undocumented mothers.”[37] The story notes that one illegal alien mother’s medical bills ran more than $6,000. That’s just one hospital. On a national level, Breitbart reports, “Every year, American taxpayers are billed about $2.4 billion to pay for the births of illegal aliens.”[38] And this is from a story that ran in 2018, well before the illegal alien flood unleashed on America by the Biden administration and before the massive price inflation that has occurred in the past few years.
To give one example of how Rome uses the anchor baby ploy to prevent the deportation of illegal alien parents, I’ll cite what was a big story a few years ago in my area. A Mexican woman, who was married and a mother of four, who had entered the United States illegally fifteen years previously, was deported after a drawn-out court battle. In a statement issued on April 19, 2017, the Catholic Legal (sic) Immigration Network (CLINIC) wrote, “The result of this hard-nosed and hard-hearted approach to enforcement [of US immigration law] is that her US citizen children must either live without their mother or leave the only home they have known to go a county (sic) they have never even visited….[39]
How did these children of an illegal alien mother receive their US citizenship? As discussed above, they received it under the current interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment granting U.S. citizenship to children of illegal aliens.[40]
This article will conclude in the next Trinity Review.
[1]Some of the testimony was heartbreaking. One video on X (formerly Twitter) showed a long-time resident of Springfield telling how she had men in her front yard who could not speak English screaming at her and throwing trash and mattresses on her property. See 65609905672235, accessed 9/15/2024.
[2]“New Catholic Charities center to help city’s Haitian population with immigration, jobs” by Jessica Orozco, Springfield News-Sun, January 18, 2024,, accessed 9/15/2024.
[3]“Statement on Migrant Services in Springfield,” September 9, 2024,, accessed 9/15/2024.
[4]In a remarkable series of recent posts on X, noted social media personality Mike Cernovich pointed out what few commentators will mention: Catholic Charities and Pope Francis’ role in destroying America through immigration. Wrote Cernovich, “Catholic Charities has been destroying America…. It’s been Catholic Charities doing it all along”, accessed 9/15/2024; “The Pope is open borders. He is not loyal to America. He would gladly destroy this country” 1592575193297346560, accessed 9/15/2024; “Rather than exercise his lawful authority, he [Pope Francis] advocates for open borders and destroying America” Cernovich/status/1833025948436021372, accessed 9/15/2024. This author has been unable to determine Cernovich’s religious affiliation. He has expressed admiration for Eastern Orthodoxy, but it is unclear whether he himself is Eastern Orthodox.
[5]Westminster Confession of FaithChapter 26.6. From the time it was first published in 1646 through 1902, the Westminster Confession, following the Historicist school of prophetic interpretation, identified the “Pope of Rome” as the Antichrist of Scripture. This changed with the 1903 edition that removed this reference.
[6]The Protestant system of Historicism has been so thoroughly replaced in Protestant churches by Jesuit Preterism and Futurism that noted church historian Robert Godfrey commented, “That church historical approach [Historicism] was very popular, almost all Protestants held to it in the 16th century, and ironically today, it’s almost disappeared altogether. I don’t know offhand anyone who still holds to the church historical approach to The Book of the Revelation.” See Godfrey’s lecture series on the Ligonier Ministries website, Blessed Hope: The Book of Revelation, Lecture 1, “A Book of Blessing” at 6:14.
[7]In his article “Romanizing America through Illegal Immigration,” Ralph Ovadal quotes Catholic priest Paul Marx saying, “America is a dying nation. I tell the Mexicans when I am down in Mexico to keep on having children, and then to take back what we took from them: California, Texas, Arizona, and then to take the rest of the country as well.” This quote is from the May 6, 1987 edition of The Wanderer. It would be hard to find a more explicit irredentist statement.
[8]Tucker Carlson once said of the TPS program, “This isn’t about providing short-term refuge; it’s elites in Washington using a legal loophole to let hundreds of thousands of people come here permanently without going through any of the ordinary immigration channels. Now you can tell that nobody ever expected for them to return home because the suggestion that they do return home is being treated as a massive crisis for some reason.” The video of Carlson’s comments can be found at
[9]“Antichrist’s Illegal Alien Assault on America.” The audio version can be found at podcast/TFR%2025.Antichrists%20Illegal%20Alien%20Assault%20on%20America.Final.mp3, and the print version can be found at Trinity%20Review%20378%20Antichrist%20Illegal%20Alien%20Assault%20on%20America%20Matthews.pdf.
[10]One commentator on X suggested that Edward Kennedy’s championing of the 1965 Immigration Act may have been motivated by “an ancestral grievance” and that he was “Still waging a Catholic Vs Protestant battle/turf war from the 19th Century.” In this author’s opinion, this is precisely what Sen. Kennedy was doing.
[11]John F. Kennedy, famously America’s first Roman Catholic president, had written a booklet in 1958 for the One Nation Library series of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, a Jewish organization. He later expanded this booklet into A Nation of Immigrants. It is not uncommon to find Roman Catholic and Jewish organizations teaming up against America’s historic Protestant nation on any number of issues, immigration being one of them. This is unsurprising. As John Robbins noted in his Trinity Review “The Religious Wars of the 21st Century,” both Romanism and Judaism are “forms of unbelief, are destroyers of the West and causes of the collapse [of the West].” Romanism and Judaism find common ground in their opposition to Biblical Christianity. Kennedy’s book is an extended finger-wag in the face of the Historic Protestant American nation, attempting to shame the nation into falling in line with the Vatican’s immigration demands and allowing the country to be flooded with millions of unbelievers. Unfortunately, the ploy worked.
[12]Strangers No Longer” Together on the Journey of Hope” was issued by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on January 22, 2003. Here is the link to the article on the USCCB website:, accessed 9/22/2024.
[13]Stephen D. Mumford, American Democracy & the Vatican: Population Growth & National Security (Amherst: Humanist Press, 1984), Kindle,1528.
[14]Blessed Hope: The Book of Revelation, “Lecture 1, A Book of Blessing” at 5:29.
[15]Antichrist is destroying not only the United States with his socialist immigration policies but also most of the nations of the West. What I write about Antichrist’s immigration war on America can be applied to the rest of Western civilization.
[21]If there was an apparition, it was not the Biblical Mary but rather an example of demonic activity. One writer, Allan Wall, one of the best Evangelical writers on immigration, noted that there were significant doubts, even in the Catholic church, about the appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the existence of Juan Diego, the man to whom the apparition is said to have shown itself.
[22]“‘Queen of people’s hearts’: Our Lady of Guadalupe,” by Renata Furst, Catholic News Service, December 9, 2018,, accessed 9/29/2024.
[24]“Migrant crisis has US taxpayers on the hook for up to $451B, House GOP report says,” by Josh Christenson, The New York Post, 11/13/2023, news/house-gop-report-cites-historic-451-billion-cost-of-migrant-crisis/, accessed 10/06/2024.
[25]“Sen. Roger Marshall Seeks to Block Biden’s Reopening Welfare-Dependent Immigration to US” by John Binder, Breitbart, 11/23/2022, 2022/11/23/sen-roger-marshall-seeks-to-block-bidens-reopening-welfare-dependent-immigration-to-u-s/, accessed 10/06/2024.
[26]SNL, 29-30.
[27]See Trinity Foundation Radio Episode 25: “Antichrist’s illegal Alien Assault on America,” https://www.trinity, accessed 10/06/2024.
[28]Unlike what we’re told in the mainstream news, inflation is not rising prices. Inflation is money printing. More formally, inflation is the rate of growth of the money supply over and above the rate of growth in the wealth output of the economy. Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary defines inflation as “an increase in the volume of money and credit relative to available goods resulting in a substantial and continuing rise in the general price level.” When the federal government deficit spends to facilitate Rome’s irredentist immigration assault on America, the Federal Reserve (America’s central bank) must create new dollars out of thin air to purchase the bonds from large banks known as primary dealers. The Federal Reserve’s bond purchases are necessary to keep bond yields from shooting sharply higher, which would threaten the stability of the financial system. The new dollars created by the Federal Reserve to purchase the bonds steal their purchasing power from existing dollars, meaning the dollars in our checking and saving accounts are worth less. We experience this loss of the dollar’s purchasing power as rising prices at the grocery store. Few people realize that government deficit spending and central bank money printing are at the root of increasing prices at the gas pump and grocery store, which is why politicians for millennia have preferred to use inflation rather than direct taxation to drain their people’s wealth to fund their nefarious schemes.
[29]Pius XII has been called “Hitler’s Pope” due to his close ties to the Third Reich.
[30]Westminster Confession of Faith, 25.6. N.B., up through 1902, this was the reading of the Westminster Confession. According to John Robbins (see his Trinity Review “The Religious Wars of the 21st Century”), it was the postmillennialists who were responsible for removing the language about the Pope of Rome being “that Antichrist, man of sin, and son of perdition” from the Confession beginning in 1903. Such language tends to shock and even embarrass some Christians today, but the Westminster Divines got it right the first time. The contemporary Protestant church’s failure to recognize the Popes of Romes as the little horn of Daniel, the Antichrist, and the beast of Revelation 13 and 17 represents a major failure of the Protestant church in the 20th and 21st centuries. One of the results of this failure is that the papal Antichrist is destroying America right in front of our noses, but hardly anyone sees what’s going on as the Antichrist immigration war that it is.
[31]See note 2 above.
[32]“Immigration Warfare” by Christian J. Pinto, Noise of Thunder Radio,09/27/2023.
[33]Charles Paschal Telesphore Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome (United States: A. Craig, 1889), 554. Google Books, _the_Church_of_Rome/xKoUAAAAYAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&pg=PA554&printsec=frontcover, accessed 10/13/2024. The quote referenced above is from a letter sent by James Oliver Van de Velde, the Jesuit Bishop of Chicago to Charles Chiniquy in 1852, when Chiniquy was still a Roman Catholic priest. Worth noting, Van de Velde attended Georgetown College (later Georgetown University), a school described by Justin Dewey Fulton as “a Jesuit nest” in his book Washington in the Lap of Rome.
[34]“Illegal Immigrants With ‘Anchor Babies’ Using More Welfare Than US Citizens: Report” by Naveen Athrappully, The Epoch Times, 12/27/2023, https://www.theepochtimes. com/us/illegal-immigrants-with-anchor-babies-using-up-more-welfare-than-american-citizens-report-5553945?utm_source =google_news_ar&utm_medium=GoogleAds&utm_campaign=reg_news_ar_0404_24_SupremeCourt&utm_term=reg_email&wall=7&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsva938mMiQMVqTMIBR3GygNPEAAYAiAAEgI3bfD_BwE, accessed 10/13/2024.
[35]“Nearly 400k Anchor Babies Born in 2021, Outpacing US Births in 49 States” by John Binder, Breitbart, 12/31/2021,, accessed 10/13/2024.
[36]See previous note.
[37]“Dallas hospital cares for illegal immigrants” by Don Teague, NBC News, 08/03/2006, id/wbna14172601, accessed 10/13/2024.
[38]“Illegal Alien Birth of Anchor Babies Cost US Taxpayers $2.4B Every Year” by John Binder, Breitbart, 10/10/2018,, accessed 10/13/2024.
[39]“CLINIC decries the cruel deportation of Ohio mother; Countless supporters disregarded by government” 04/19/2017. This document appears no longer to be available online.
[40]One may raise the question, what about the father’s citizenship status? In all the documents I reviewed on this case, including the statement from CLINIC, no reference was made to the father’s citizenship. The statement from CLINIC specifically notes that the children were US citizens. Since no mention of the father’s citizenship was made by the immigration lawyers at CLINIC, the most reasonable assumption is that he, too, was an illegal alien.