
Church List
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Church Name: Rogersville Baptist Church |
Phone: 2566073113 |
Address: | |
Rogersville |
AL |
35652 |
Website: https://rogersvillebaptistchurch.org |
Contact Person: contact@rogersvillebaptistchurch.org |
Comments: Seeking like minded brethren to unite in establishing a local assembly. |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: Ecclesiology |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: Yes |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Notyet |
Officers and Phone Numbers: |
Ordained as well as elected?: NA |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: No Sunday School |
Submitted by Chris Nogradi |
Phone: |
Title: |
Fax: |
Address: Rogersville |
AL |
35652 |
Email: contact@john4-24.org |
Church Name: Solus Christus Reformed Church |
Phone: +91 9597553793 |
Address: IIT Madras | |
Chennai |
37692 |
Website: NA |
Contact Person: Rocky Pinto |
Comments: Reformed and confessional |
Creed/Confession: NA |
Also subscribe to: Westminster Confessions and Belgic Confession |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: NA |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? NA |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: Yes |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Rocky Pinto |
+91 9597553793 |
Ordained as well as elected?: NA |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: No Sunday School |
Submitted by Rocky Pinto |
Phone: +91 9597553793 |
Title: Mr |
Fax: |
Address: Chennai |
India |
37692 |
Email: churchsoluschristus@gmail.com |
Church Name: Mission Bible Church |
Phone: 301-525-4625 |
Address: 5821 Muncaster Mill Rd | |
Derwood |
MD |
20855 |
Website: mission-bible.net |
Contact Person: Pas. Joe McKnight |
Comments: Reformed / Doctrines of Grace. Strong 6-day creation. Strong KJV / Textus Receptus. Conservative worship (regulative principle). Hymns and Psalter selections, with traditional instruments. Not overly formal. Meet in a member |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1729) |
Also subscribe to: We utilize WCF, Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, Canons of Dort as useful creeds. |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: We take exception to WCF |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: Yes |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: Yes |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Notyet |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Bro. Vince Kluth, Administrator |
301-525-4625 |
Ordained as well as elected?: No |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Vince Kluth |
Phone: 301-525-4625 |
Title: Administrator |
Fax: |
Address: Derwood |
MD |
20855 |
Email: info@mission-bible.net |
Church Name: Grace Bible Baptist Church |
Phone: 225-664-3557 |
Address: 26080 Wax Road | |
Denham Springs |
LA |
70726 |
Website: http://GraceBibleBaptist.webhop.org |
Contact Person: Keith Laurence |
Comments: Sovereign Grace Baptist. Local visible church. Premillennial. Traditional worship and we use the KJV. |
Creed/Confession: NA |
Also subscribe to: http://gracebbc.dyndns.org:81/statefaith.html |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: NA |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? NA |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Lucien LeSage |
225-907-8054 |
Keith Laurence |
225-664-3557 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Lucien LeSage |
Phone: 225-803-9710 |
Title: Deacon and Teacher |
Fax: |
Address: Pride |
LA |
70770 |
Email: lucienlesage@cox.net |
Church Name: Puritan Reformed Church |
Phone: 6025763333 |
Address: 1825 E Northern Ave | Suite 225 |
Phoenix |
AZ |
United States |
85020 |
Website: https://www.puritanphx.com/ |
Contact Person: David Reece 602-576-3333 |
Comments: PSC is a Reformed, Presbyterian church focusing on clarity, purity and unity based on the Word of God alone. |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1647) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: No |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: Yes |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: David Reece |
6025763333 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: No Sunday School |
Submitted by David Reece |
Phone: 6025763333 |
Title: Elder (Pastor) |
Fax: |
Address: Phoenix |
AZ |
United States |
85020 |
Email: contact@puritanphx.com |
Church Name: Nueva Esperanza |
Phone: 630-903-7867 |
Address: 910 N Main St | |
West Chicago |
IL |
60187 |
Website: www.nesperanza.org |
Contact Person: Ms Marly Salazar |
Comments: PCA, Hispanic church plant. |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1729) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: No |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? Yes |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: Yes |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: Yes |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Notyet |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Alberto Guerra |
630-880-1909 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Alberto Guerr |
Phone: 630-880-1909 |
Title: Teaching Elder |
Fax: |
Address: Wheaton |
IL |
60187 |
Email: aguerra@nesperanza.org |
Church Name: Horizons Baptist Church |
Phone: 740-493-2339 |
Address: 768 State Route 220 | |
Piketon |
OH |
45661 |
Website: www.horizonsbaptist.org |
Contact Person: Jason Boothe |
Comments: We are a Baptist congregation. Our confession of faith is the 1st London Baptist Confession of Faith |
Creed/Confession: NA |
Also subscribe to: 1st London Baptist Confession of Faith |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: We practice believer |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: NA |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: NA |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Jason K. Boothe, Elder |
740-493-2339 |
Earl K. Boothe, Elder |
740-493-3354 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: No Sunday School |
Submitted by Jason Boothe |
Phone: 740-493-2339 |
Title: Pastor/Elder |
Fax: |
Address: Piketon |
OH |
United States |
45661 |
Email: jasonboothe@live.com |
Church Name: Trinity Free Presbyterian Church |
Phone: 256-345-4841 |
Address: 1280 Old Highway 24 | |
Trinity |
AL |
35673 |
Website: fpcna.org |
Contact Person: Rev. Myron Mooney |
Comments: Traditional Westminster Presbyterians-Old Paths |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1729) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: We practice both believer's baptism and infant baptism. |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Timothy Yarbrough |
678-410-2631 |
Jerry Frank |
256-227-2443 |
Ernie Yarbrough |
256-345-0970 |
Jacob Frank |
256-466-9519 |
Joseph Bearden |
256-714-6198 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: NA |
Submitted by Rev. Myron Mooney |
Phone: 256-345-4841 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: Trinity |
AL |
35673 |
Email: myrongmooney@gmail.com |
Church Name: Bethel Reformed Congregational Church |
Phone: 639208448828 |
Address: Legaspi St., Gigaquit,Surigao del Norte,Philippine | |
Surigao |
8409 |
Website: |
Contact Person: Ebenezer P. Nombre |
Comments: Reformed and Puritan |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1729) |
Also subscribe to: Savoy Declaration and cambridge Platform |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: Church Polity |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? None |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: Yes |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: NA |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: NA |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Ebenezer P. Nombre |
639208448828 |
Jonathan Telen |
Samuel caballess |
Isidro Napal |
Renato dedumo |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Ebenezer P. Nombre |
Phone: 639208448828 |
Title: Elder |
Fax: |
Address: surigao |
Philippines |
8409 |
Email: ebenezernombre@yahoo.com |
Church Name: Greater Union Baptist Church |
Phone: 310-639-5430 |
Address: 714 N. Tamarind Avenue | |
Compton |
CA |
90220 |
Website: http://gubc.tripod.com/ |
Contact Person: Ivin Hauck |
Comments: Christ centered Christians led by Elders who are dedicated to guarding, equiping, nurturing, counseling and disciplining God |
Creed/Confession: The Nicene Creed (325 AD) |
Also subscribe to: The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: NA |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? NA |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: NA |
Use drums in worship? NA |
Observe Christmas?: NA |
Use bells in worship?: NA |
Use candles in worship?: NA |
Use kneelers? NA |
Observe Good Friday?: NA |
Use drama in worship?: NA |
Use dance in worship?: NA |
Exclusive psalmodists?: NA |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: NA |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: NA |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: Yes |
Use or display images?: NA |
Use incense?: NA |
Use or observe a church calendar?: NA |
Observe 'Advent'?: NA |
Observe Lent?: NA |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? NA |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Pastor Kenneth D. Tillman |
310-639-5430 |
Elder Kevin D. Kidd |
310-693-5430 |
Deacon Ivin Hauck |
310-639-5430 |
Deacon Gary Hayes |
310-639-5430 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Ivin Hauck |
Phone: 714-349-7505 |
Title: Deacon |
Fax: |
Address: Compton |
CA |
90220 |
Email: ishauck@socal.rr.com |
Church Name: Redeemer Christian Congregation |
Phone: 410-790-1681 |
Address: 2927 Cub Hill Road | |
Baltimore |
MD |
21234 |
Website: |
Contact Person: Rev. Kevin Guillory |
Comments: A very small church. Biblical. Independent, though the pastor belongs to the Evangelical Reformed Presbyterian Church |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1729) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: No |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? No |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: Yes |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Dr. Richard Lane (Ret) |
410-319-5294 |
Ordained as well as elected?: No |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: NA |
Submitted by Kevin Guillory |
Phone: 410-790-1681 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: Timonium |
MD |
21093 |
Email: globacho@comcast.net |
Church Name: Puritan Evangelical Church of America |
Phone: 619-479-5053 |
Address: 6374 Potomac Street | |
San Diego |
CA |
92139 |
Website: www.puritanchurch.com |
Contact Person: Pastor Grant Van Leuven |
Comments: A Bible-believing, Bible-preaching, family church. Our theme is: "Saved by the Spirit. Walking in the Spirit." |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1729) |
Also subscribe to: We also teach the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: No |
Areas of disagreement are: We have no technical disagreements, but our pastor is sympathetic with the RPCNA\ |
Support any parachurch organizations? Yes |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? Our Missions Fund supports the missions work of Dr. Richard Bacon in Mayanmar and Pastor Bradley in the Philippines. |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: Yes, no instruments |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Grant Van Leuven, Pastor |
619-479-5053 |
Bill Honaker, Clerk of Session |
Paul Huffmaster, Elder |
Ron Renner, Elder |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Grant Van Leuven |
Phone: 619-479-5053 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: San Diego |
CA |
92139 |
Email: pastor@puritanchurch.com |
Church Name: Wingham Protestant Reformed Church |
Phone: 1-519-357-1082 |
Address: 292 Edward Street | |
Wingham, Ontario |
MI |
49426 |
Website: www.prca.org |
Contact Person: Rev. M. VanderWal /Ray Kikkert |
Comments: Congregation committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified |
Creed/Confession: The Canons of Dordt (1619) |
Also subscribe to: The Belgic Confession and the beloved Heidelberg Catechism and Lord\ |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: in the areas of divorce and remarriage and the covenant of works theology |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: Yes |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: Yes |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Rev. M. VanderWal |
519-357-1082 |
Harvey Kikkert |
519-523-4823 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: No Sunday School |
Submitted by ray kikkert |
Phone: 519-395-3978 |
Title: pewsitter |
Fax: |
Address: Lucknow |
MI |
Canada |
49426 |
Email: raykikkert@yahoo.com |
Church Name: Sovereign Grace Chapel |
Phone: 719-527-9762 |
Address: 320 E. Cherokee Drive | |
Colorado Springs |
CO |
80926 |
Website: sovereigngracechapel.org |
Contact Person: Tom Adams |
Comments: Established 1983 - Calvinistic, baptistic, dispensational. Opposed to New Evangelicalism, the Emerging Church and the Charismatic Movement |
Creed/Confession: None |
Also subscribe to: Regarding the Trinity, we hold to the Nicene and Athanthian Creeds |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: Infant Baptism; Covenant Theology in general. We are Dispensational. |
Support any parachurch organizations? Yes |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? We support a missionary through Evangelical Baptist Missions (ebm.org) |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? Yes |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Roger Evans |
719-390-8447 |
Tom Adams |
719-359-4821 |
Larry Blondin |
719-538-9977 |
Ordained as well as elected?: No |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Tom Adams |
Phone: 719-359-4821 |
Title: Elder |
Fax: |
Address: Colorado Springs |
CO |
80926 |
Email: adamsthomasj@gmail.com |
Church Name: Soverein Grace Church |
Phone: 515-963-0203 |
Address: 1203 NW Rock Crest Rd | |
Ankeny |
IA |
50023 |
Website: sovgracechurch.org |
Contact Person: Michael G. Waters |
Comments: Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1729) |
Also subscribe to: Belgic Confession |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: No |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Declaration (2004) Only |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? Yes |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: Yes |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: Yes |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: David Stevens (Elder) |
515-965-9222 |
Mike Van Pelt (Elder) |
515-289-2661 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Michael G. Waters |
Phone: 515-963-0160 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: Ankeny |
IA |
50023 |
Email: mgwaters@dmacc.edu |
Church Name: Pilgrim Bible East |
Phone: 540-314-6206 |
Address: 3916 Brambleton ave #254 | Mailing only! PLZ CALL FOR PHYSICAL ADDRESS |
Roanoke |
VA |
24018 |
Website: http://www.biblicaljew.com |
Contact Person: Moshe |
Comments: Expository preaching with an emphasis on biblical apologetics, VERY Protestant! |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: NA |
Areas of disagreement are: Immersion |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: Yes |
Use drums in worship? Yes |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: Yes |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Notyet |
Officers and Phone Numbers: |
Ordained as well as elected?: NA |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: NA |
Submitted by Moshe Ariyeh Buesing |
Phone: 540-314-6206 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: Roanoke |
VA |
24018 |
Email: faithdefender@cox.net |
Church Name: Baptist Fellowship |
Phone: 817-913-5750 |
Address: 692 county road 4681 | |
Boyd |
TX |
76023 |
Website: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Baptist-Fellowshi |
Contact Person: Kenny Kirk |
Comments: We seek to glorify our Triune God in our commitment to the Gospel, and our lives together. |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) |
Also subscribe to: any creed, as far as they are faithful to the Scripture, knowing that no creed in infallible |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: NA |
Areas of disagreement are: Being Baptist there are some points in which I would disagree, but nothing that would cause me to break fellowship with a Brother holding to the WCF. |
Support any parachurch organizations? NA |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? SBC, Harvest Baptist Association |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? NA |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? NA |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? Yes |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: Yes |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: NA |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Notyet |
Officers and Phone Numbers: |
Ordained as well as elected?: NA |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Kenny Kirk |
Phone: 817-913-5750 |
Title: 1/3 of a leadership team |
Fax: |
Address: Azle |
TX |
United States |
76020 |
Email: kirkazle@aol.com |
Church Name: Christ Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church |
Phone: 214.796.7764 |
Address: 303 S. Highway 78, Suite 206 | |
Wylie |
TX |
Website: www.christcovenantrpc.org |
Contact Person: Pastor Todd Ruddell |
Comments: Warm, Industrial-Strength Christianity |
Creed/Confession: NA |
Also subscribe to: Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms 1646 |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: We are original Westminster Standards confessors |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: Yes |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Elder Carl Betsch |
Elder L.T. Dillard |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: No Sunday School |
Submitted by Rev. Todd Ruddell |
Phone: 214.796.7764 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: Wylie |
TX |
Email: pastor@christcovenantreformedpc.org |
Church Name: Harvest Reformed Church |
Phone: 701-340-7666 |
Address: 1624 Foothill Rd. | |
Minot |
ND |
58701 |
Website: www.harvestreformedchurch.org |
Contact Person: Phil Poe, pastor or Jim Snyder, elder |
Comments: Bible-based, Confessional (Three Forms of Unity), Reformed Worship, Presbyterian form of government |
Creed/Confession: The Belgic Confession (1561) |
Also subscribe to: The Canons of Dordt and the Heidelburg Catechism |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: No |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? Yes |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? The Reformed Church in the United States (RCUS) |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? NA |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? NA |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: Yes |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: NA |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Jim Snyder |
701-852-1376 |
Elton Dockter |
701-838-5999 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Jeff Milam |
Phone: 701-838-1444 |
Title: Layman |
Fax: |
Address: Minot |
ND |
58701 |
Email: milam@srt.com |
Church Name: City on a Hill Sovereign Grace Baptist Chapel |
Phone: 423-365-0780 |
Address: 1414 Spruce Drive | |
Spring City |
TN |
37381 |
Website: www.cityonahillsgbc.org |
Contact Person: Michael Lyman |
Comments: |
Creed/Confession: NA |
Also subscribe to: London Baptist Confession of 1644, 1729 Goatyard Confession - John Gill |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: Baptism |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Not yet |
Officers and Phone Numbers: |
Ordained as well as elected?: NA |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: No Sunday School |
Submitted by Michael Lyman |
Phone: 423-365-0780 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: Spring City |
TN |
United States |
37381 |
Email: bychristalone@hotmail.com |
Church Name: Christ Bible Church |
Phone: 309.263.1235 |
Address: 517 Jubilee Lane | We are unable to receive mail at this address |
Germantown Hills |
IL |
61548 |
Website: http://www.christbiblechurch.net |
Contact Person: Kerry Scott Miller |
Comments: We are an independent, reformed Baptist Church. We are a new church start of about 2 years now with about 15 people. |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: No |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? Yes |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? Local Resue mission, Jews for Jesus |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Jerry Smith - Do not wish to post # |
Norm Seckler - |
Clarence Castle - |
Do not want to post their #\ |
Ordained as well as elected?: No |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Kerry Scott Miller |
Phone: 309.263.1235 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: Morton |
IL |
United States |
61550 |
Email: pastorkerry@gmail.com |
Church Name: Gatlin Baptist Church |
Phone: 580-255-3822 |
Address: 801 W. Gatlin Rd. | |
Marlow |
OK |
73055 |
Website: sherrill@starcomm.net |
Contact Person: John Sherrill, Pastor |
Comments: Reformed Southern Baptist |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) |
Also subscribe to: Abtract of Principles of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: Chapter XXVIII Of Baptism - reject baptismal mode other than immersion and the baptism of Infants |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Shane Pennington |
580-656-1046 |
Bob Whitaker |
580-248-4918 |
John Sherrill |
580-656-1104 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Both |
Submitted by John Sherrill |
Phone: 580-656-1104 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: Marlow |
OK |
73055 |
Email: sherrill@starcomm.net |
Church Name: Bread of Life Fellowship |
Phone: 800-382-7323 |
Address: 471 Morrissee Ave Extension | |
Haledon |
NJ |
07508 |
Website: www.bolfellowship.org/main.html |
Contact Person: Pastor Joseph LoSardo |
Comments: We are reformed concerning salvation & use the LBC of 1689, although we are not formally connected with any denomination. |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of 1689 |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: NA |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? No |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Joseph LoSardo |
800-382-7323 |
William Poss |
800-382-7323 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: NA |
Submitted by Jim Montesano |
Phone: 201-876-2596 |
Title: Bible teacher & chief musician |
Fax: |
Address: Jersey City |
NJ |
07307 |
Email: JMonte2000@aol.com |
Church Name: Covenanted Reformed Presbyterian Church |
Phone: 715-445-2535 |
Address: Meeting at Union Town Hall, E6592 State Hwy 22 | P.O. Box 147, Iola, WI 54945 |
Manawa |
WI |
54949 |
Website: www.reformedonline.com |
Contact Person: Olev Tauts, Ruling Elder |
Comments: Exclusive a cappella psalmody; subscribe to original Westminster Standards (1646); family-friendly |
Creed/Confession: NA |
Also subscribe to: Original Westminster Standards (1646) |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: We reject all of the American revisions to the original Westminster Standards |
Support any parachurch organizations? Yes |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? Westminster Presbyterian Church in the United States |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: Yes |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Pastor Brian Schwertley |
715-445-2851 |
Ruling Elder Olev Tauts |
715-445-2535 |
Ruling Elder Dwayne Riendeau |
920-787-0025 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: NA |
Submitted by Brian Schwertley |
Phone: 715-445-2851 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: Iola |
WI |
54945 |
Email: bschwertley@athena.net |
Church Name: MisiÛn Reformada Gracia Vertical |
Phone: 856.577.1819 |
Address: 36 North Cove Road | |
Merchantville |
NJ |
08109 |
Website: http://www.graciavertical.com |
Contact Person: Ismael Hilerio |
Comments: Hispanic Mission Reformed |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1729) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: No |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? NA |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: Yes |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: Yes |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: Yes |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: Yes |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: Yes |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: Yes |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Notyet |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Ismael Hilerio |
856.577.1819 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Ismael Hilerio |
Phone: 856.577.1819 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: Merchantville |
NJ |
08109 |
Email: p.hilerio@graciavertical.com |
Church Name: Hillburn Drive Grace Baptist Church |
Phone: 210-675-5484 |
Address: 5425 Hillburn Drive | |
San Antonio |
TX |
78242 |
Website: |
Contact Person: Pastor Jose F. Maldonado |
Comments: Sovereign Grace/Reformed Baptist Church |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: Infant baptism, some ares of church government |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? We support 4 missionaries and 1 spanish sovereign grace Baptist church we started 5 years ago |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Statement (1998) Only |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? Yes |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: Yes |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Elder Ben Latham |
210-670-1815 |
Deacon Gary Grieco |
210-912-2570 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Jose F. Maldonado |
Phone: 210-675-5484 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: 210-675-5484 |
Address: San Antonio |
TX |
78242 |
Email: jstcm@stic.net |
Church Name: Redeemer Presbyterian Church |
Phone: 410-221-7994 |
Address: 300 Mill Street | |
Cambridge |
MD |
21613 |
Website: |
Contact Person: Paul Dorman |
Comments: |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1729) |
Also subscribe to: We make use of the Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: No |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: Yes |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: AJ Kellam, elder |
410-749-0545 |
Robert Jenkins, elder |
410-822-9186 |
Donald Holland, deacon |
410-745-5737 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: NA |
Submitted by Paul Dorman |
Phone: 410-943-4054 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: East New Market |
MD |
21631 |
Email: pdorman@fastol.com |
Church Name: Grace Covenant Church |
Phone: 570-421-3331 |
Address: 1 Fawn Road | |
East Stroudsburg |
PA |
18301 |
Website: http://gracecovenantpa.org |
Contact Person: |
Comments: We are a small congregation, multi-ethnic, united in studying the Scriptures, building the Kingdom, and worshipping a Sovereign God. |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: We reject Paedobaptism. |
Support any parachurch organizations? Yes |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? We support a missionary family directly, who serve under the Assoc. of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE). We do not |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: Yes |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: Yes |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: Yes |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: Yes |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: Yes |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Mike Stettler |
Elwood Stettler, Deacon |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Ray Kane |
Phone: 570-242-7364 |
Title: webmaster |
Fax: |
Address: East Stroudsburg |
PA |
18301 |
Email: |
Church Name: Grace Protestant Reformed Church |
Phone: (616) 791-9277 |
Address: 11225 Eighth Avenue | NW corner of Lake Michigan Drive and Eighth Avenue |
Grand Rapids |
MI |
49544 |
Website: www.graceprc.org |
Contact Person: Pastor Mitchell Dick |
Comments: Organized in 1995. Current membership exceeds 250. Ministry extends to nearby GVSU campus. Young, diverse congregation. |
Creed/Confession: The Belgic Confession (1561) |
Also subscribe to: The Heidelberg Catechism (1563), The Canons of Dordtrecht (1618-19) |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: We understand Adam |
Support any parachurch organizations? Yes |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? The Protestant Reformed Churches in America (www.prca.org) |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: Yes |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: Yes |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: Yes |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: Yes |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Pastor Ronald Van Overloop |
(616) 791-4204 |
Elder Randal Feenstra |
(616) 677-0617 |
Elder Gerald Dykstra |
(616) 677-5457 |
Elder John VanDyke |
(616) 340-2474 |
Elder Nicholas Kleyn |
(616) 735-4533 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Jason Eric Kuiper |
Phone: (616) 452-1505 |
Title: Believer |
Fax: |
Address: Wyoming |
MI |
United States of America |
49509 |
Email: protestant_reformed@yahoo.com |
Church Name: Grace Christian Church |
Phone: 540 635 9587 |
Address: PO Box 1448 | |
Front Royal |
VA |
22630 |
Website: www.gospel2gates.org |
Contact Person: Mike McHugh |
Comments: A Family friendly fellowship practicing whole family worship and committed to the Grace of God in the Gospel and weekly remembrance of Jesus in the Lord |
Creed/Confession: NA |
Also subscribe to: London Baptist Confession of 1646 |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: We do not practice infant baptism or believe that only elders can administer the ordinances |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? NA |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? NA |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Mike McHugh Elder |
540 635 9587 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: NA |
Submitted by Mike McHugh |
Phone: 540 635 9587 |
Title: Pastor/elder |
Fax: |
Address: Front Royal |
VA |
22630 |
Email: info@gospel2gates.org |
Church Name: Sovereign Grace Church of Houston, Texas |
Phone: 713-973-7242 |
Address: 1323 Witte Rd., #219 | 2131 Bluffton Lane, Katy, TX 77450 |
Houston |
TX |
77055 |
Website: None |
Contact Person: Robert T. Haynes |
Comments: A new evangelistic church teaching God's sovereign grace (Calvinism), New Covenant theology, nonresistance, and discipleship. |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) |
Also subscribe to: The First London Baptist Confession of 1646. Both ammended to reject Covenant Theology, and to teach Anabaptist ethics. |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: Primarily (1) Baptism [believers/immersion], (2) Ecclesiology [Baptist w. elders], (3) the Magistrate and Oaths [nonresistance] |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? None at this time |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Notyet |
Officers and Phone Numbers: |
Ordained as well as elected?: No |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: No Sunday School |
Submitted by Robert T. Haynes |
Phone: 713-973-7242 |
Title: member |
Fax: None |
Address: Houston |
TX |
77055 |
Email: robertthaynes@prodigy.net |
Church Name: Christ the King Presbyterian Church |
Phone: (727) 394-0787 |
Address: 5400 Seminole Blvd | 14118 Passage Way |
Seminole |
FL |
33776 |
Website: www.ctkpcaseminole.com |
Contact Person: Peter Byron La Pointe |
Comments: |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1729) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: No |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? Yes |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? Presbyterian Church in America |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: Yes |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: Yes |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: Yes |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: Yes |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: Yes |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Peter Byron La Pointe |
Phone: (727) 394-0787 |
Title: Minister |
Fax: (727) 394-7916 |
Address: Seminole |
FL |
33776 |
Email: Hisrock@Juno.com |
Church Name: Sovereign Grace Church |
Phone: 850-678-7102 |
Address: 492 Valparaiso Blvd | |
Valparaiso |
FL |
32580 |
Website: sovereigngracechurch.net |
Contact Person: Bill Cain |
Comments: Calvinistic, baptistic, regulative principle of worship, Sunday school based on 1 Tim. 2:8 - 10- Men praying, women organizing good works |
Creed/Confession: NA |
Also subscribe to: Baptist Confession of 1644, 55 doctrinal points listed on our website, sovereigngracechurch.net |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: Baptism, Oaths. We hold that oaths have been completely disallowed, while vows and other promises are left intact |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? We are seeking an affiliation, perhaps seeking to start a Calvinistic baptistic association in NW Fla |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? No |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Bill Cain, Elder |
850-729-1709 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Sex Only |
Submitted by Bill Cain |
Phone: 850-729-1709 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: Niceville |
FL |
32578 |
Email: wecain@cox.net |
Church Name: The Church At Owen's Creek |
Phone: 301-416-0028 |
Address: 15215A Foxville Church Rd | |
Sabillasville |
MD |
21780 |
Website: under construction |
Contact Person: Thomas Horvat |
Comments: We are a small rural house church in the mountains of W. Maryland. We meet Sundays AM and PM and are not 501c3. We also use the KJV. |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: Article XXVIII - Baptism We practice immersion; Article XXXI - The Civil Magistrate We believe should not call nor p |
Support any parachurch organizations? Yes |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? We contribute regularly to the Protestant Alliance in England and Trinitarian Bible Society |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? No |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: NA |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: No |
Officers and Phone Numbers: |
Ordained as well as elected?: NA |
Are all officers men?: NA |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Thomas Horvat |
Phone: 301-416-0028 |
Title: Teaching elder |
Fax: none |
Address: Sabillasville |
MD |
21780 |
Email: tomnbam@closecall.net |
Church Name: Hethersett (Reformed) Baptist Church |
Phone: (44) 01362 - 695442 |
Address: Henstead Road | Hethersett |
Norfolk |
NR9 3 |
Website: www.heathersettbaptistchurch.com |
Contact Person: Rev David G. Farrow (Pastor) |
Comments: Independant, Reformed and Evangelical holding to the Historic Doctrines of Grace being one of the foundations the Reformation |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: NA |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: Yes |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Mr Patrick Feehan |
None |
Ordained as well as elected?: No |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: NA |
Submitted by David G. Farrow |
Phone: (44) 01362 - 695442 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: Dereham |
United Kingdom |
NR19 |
Email: Revdavidgf@aol.com |
Church Name: Sovereign Grace Baptist Church |
Phone: 785-233-7255 |
Address: 321 SE Stanton Road | Mail: P.O. Box 4935, Topeka, KS 66604 |
Tecumseh |
KS |
66542 |
Website: www.sgbctopeka.org |
Contact Person: Pastor Mark Langley |
Comments: |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: Infant Baptism, probably some aspects of the role of the magistrate |
Support any parachurch organizations? Yes |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? Topeka Rescue Mission |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? No |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: Yes |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Mark Langley, Elder |
785-233-7255 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: NA |
Submitted by Mark K. Langley |
Phone: 785-233-7255 |
Title: Member |
Fax: None |
Address: Topeka |
KS |
66604 |
Email: mlangley1@cox.net |
Church Name: The Church at Cottage Cove |
Phone: 615-292-2303 |
Address: 630 Benton Ave | |
Nashville |
TN |
37204 |
Website: |
Contact Person: Brent MacDonald |
Comments: A new and small (missionary) fellowship in an inner-city neighborhood seeking to provide a place of worship for the community and families of those attending our daily programs. It is our desire to grow into a gathering of mature believers, skilled in the Word, to the Glory of God. |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: Infant Baptism |
Support any parachurch organizations? NA |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? Yes |
Elected Officers?: Notyet |
Officers and Phone Numbers: |
Ordained as well as elected?: NA |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: No Sunday School |
Submitted by Brent MacDonald |
Phone: 615-516-4074 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: Nashville |
TN |
37204 |
Email: brent@cottagecove.org |
Church Name: Hope Presbyterian Church |
Phone: 864-232-1486 |
Address: 20 Sharon Drive | |
Greenville |
SC |
29607 |
Website: |
Contact Person: Mark W. Evans |
Comments: We are an unaffiliated Presbyterian Church. |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1729) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: No |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? Yes |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? we support two missionaries through: Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions and Presbyterian Missionary Uni |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: James E. Parkhill |
William K. Bledsoe |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Mark W. Evans |
Phone: 864 235-6471 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: Greenville |
SC |
29607 |
Email: mkevns@netzero.net |
Church Name: Reformation Presbyterian Church |
Phone: 225-955-4364 |
Address: 37162 White Oak Ct. | 12329 Morganfield Ave., Baton Rouge, La. 70818 |
Denham Springs |
LA |
70706 |
Website: |
Contact Person: Randy K. Borill |
Comments: A puritan reformed church seeking to worship the God of the Bible and to fellowship with others like minded in the Gospel. |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1729) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: No |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Randy K. Borill |
225-955-4364 |
225-977-8883 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: No Sunday School |
Submitted by R. K. Borill |
Phone: 225-955-4364 |
Title: Elder |
Fax: 225-977-8489 |
Address: Baton Rouge |
LA |
70816 |
Email: randy.k.borill@exxonmobil.com |
Church Name: The Zian Presbyterian Church |
Phone: 718-205-4968 |
Address: 73-08 Woodside Ave | |
Woodside |
NY |
11377 |
Website: www.hendersonny.org |
Contact Person: Julie |
Comments: |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1729) |
Also subscribe to: The Apostle Creed, The canon of Dorth, |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: No |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? No |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: Yes |
Use drums in worship? Yes |
Observe Christmas?: Yes |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: Yes |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Deborah |
h |
718-651-2125 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: No |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Paul Huisu Yim |
Phone: 718-593-7965 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: 718-205-4968 |
Address: Ridgewood |
NY |
11385 |
Email: hendersonseminaryny@msn.com |
Church Name: The Reformed Bible Church |
Phone: 434.352.2667 |
Address: po Box 2397 | 222 Harrell Street |
Appomattox |
VA |
24522 |
Website: www.hisglory.com |
Contact Person: Pastor Paul Michael Raymond |
Comments: Reformed; Creedal; Presuppositional; Solas; Cavinist; Postmillennial; Theonomic; Reconstruction |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1729) |
Also subscribe to: Canons of Dort, Belgic Confession, Canons of Orange |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: No |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? Yes |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? We hold in high regard and in great respect, but are not in any formal affiliation with, the RPCUS Churches |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: Yes |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: Yes |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: Yes |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Paul Michael Raymond |
434.352.2667 |
434.352.8004 |
Maurice Page |
434.352.0794 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Paul Michael Raymond |
Phone: 343.352.2667 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: 434.352.9507 |
Address: Appomattox |
VA |
24522 |
Email: pastor@hisglory.us |
Church Name: Grace Reformed Baptist |
Phone: 06-3285903 |
Address: Kelvin Grove Community centre | RD 7 Feilding |
Palmerston North |
Website: |
Contact Person: Ian Fuller or Alan Lloyd |
Comments: Reformed Baptist |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: election of infants and the pope as Antichrist |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? No |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Not yet |
Officers and Phone Numbers: |
Ordained as well as elected?: NA |
Are all officers men?: NA |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: NA |
Submitted by Alan Lloyd |
Phone: 06-3285903 |
Title: |
Fax: |
Email: thelloyd@actrix.co.nz |
Church Name: The King's Chapel |
Phone: |
Address: The Fountains Blvd | |
West Chester |
OH |
Website: |
Contact Person: Rob Gerard |
Comments: We are a small New Covenant Reformed Baptist Church and are missions minded and elder led by Tom Wells and Newton Bush, Associate Pastors.. |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: NA |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? We suppoet a number Missionaries that are independent and thsoe with other agencies. We require our missionaries to be |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: No |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Tom Wells and Newton Bush |
Ordained as well as elected?: NA |
Are all officers men?: NA |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: NA |
Submitted by |
Phone: |
Title: |
Fax: |
Address: |
Email: |
Church Name: Heritage Community Church |
Phone: 704-913-4374 |
Address: 1627 Laurel Lane | |
Gastonia |
NC |
28054 |
Website: http://www.heritagecommunitychurch.net |
Contact Person: Tim Brown |
Comments: We are a Reformed Baptist Church. We are family integrated and seek to have fellowship with like minded individuals. Our highest aim is the glory of God through the exposition and faithful teaching of His Word and the proper application of that in our lives. We believe in a multigenerational approach to ministry, which seems to be the biblical approach. We also hold to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: NA |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Tim Brown |
704-913-4374 |
704-866-4288 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: NA |
Submitted by Tim Brown |
Phone: 704-913-4374 |
Title: Elder |
Fax: |
Address: Clover |
SC |
usa |
29710 |
Email: timbrown@heritagecommunitychurch.net |
Church Name: Grace Community Church |
Phone: 210-222-2030 |
Address: 315 North Hackberry | |
San Antonio |
TX |
78202 |
Website: www.gccsatx.com |
Contact Person: Timothy Conway |
Comments: Reformed Baptist Church |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: We are Baptists and would disagree in areas pertaining to Ecclesiology, Paedobaptism, etc. |
Support any parachurch organizations? Yes |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? Ligonier Ministries |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': NA |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: Yes |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Timothy Conway |
210-621-0185 |
210-945-9863 |
Carlos Munoz |
210-681-0978 |
Matt Haney |
210-277-1096 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Timothy Conway |
Phone: 210-621-0185 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: San Antonio |
TX |
78264 |
Email: timothymconway@juno.com |
Church Name: St. Andrews Reformed Presbyterian Church |
Phone: 440-355-6953 |
Address: 331 S. Center St. | 285 S. Professor St. |
Oberlin |
OH |
44050 |
Website: Saintandrewsrpcga.org |
Contact Person: Pastor Joe Miranda |
Comments: |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1729) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: No |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? NA |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: Yes |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: Yes |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: Yes |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: Yes |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: Yes |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: NA |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Joe Miranda |
440-355-9857 |
440-647-4032 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: NA |
Submitted by Joe Miranda |
Phone: 440-355-9857 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: 440-355-4773 |
Address: Lagrange |
OH |
44050 |
Email: mirajam@juno.om |
Church Name: Associated Presbyterian Church of Vancouver |
Phone: 604.530.4123 |
Address: East 15th Street and Fraser | |
Vancouver |
V3A 1 |
Website: www.apcvan.com |
Contact Person: Rev. Jerrold Lewis |
Comments: |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1729) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: No |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? NA |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? NA |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: NA |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Rev. Jerrold Lewis |
604.530.4123 |
Hugh Fraser |
William Matheson |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: No Sunday School |
Submitted by Rev. Jerrold Lewis |
Phone: 604.530.4123 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: |
Address: Vancouver |
CA |
Canada |
V3A1P |
Email: jerlewis@telus.net |
Church Name: Stratford Presbyterian Church |
Phone: (856) 784-0674 |
Address: 41 Warwick Road | |
Stratford |
NJ |
08084 |
Website: www.StratfordPres.org |
Contact Person: Rev. Martin L. Dawson, Sr. |
Comments: |
Creed/Confession: The Westminster Confession of Faith (1729) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: No |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? Yes |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? Mid-East Reformed Fellowship |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: Yes |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: Yes |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: Yes |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: Yes |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: Yes |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: Yes |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Elder James Luchs |
(856) 316-1866 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Martin L. Dawson, Sr. |
Phone: (856) 784-0674 |
Title: Pastor |
Fax: (856) 435-0088 |
Address: Stratford |
NJ |
08084 |
Email: M-Dawson@comcast.net |
Church Name: Grace Presbyterian Church |
Phone: 717-630-9783 |
Address: 17 Wayne Avenue | |
Hanover |
PA |
17331 |
Website: www.gracehanover.org |
Contact Person: Dr. Jeffery A. Sheely |
Comments: We are formerly OPC, presently unaffiliated, anticipate affiliating with the Evangelical Reformed Presbyterian Church in 2005. |
Creed/Confession: NA |
Also subscribe to: Westminster Confession of Faith, 1789 |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: NA |
Use drums in worship? NA |
Observe Christmas?: Yes |
Use bells in worship?: NA |
Use candles in worship?: NA |
Use kneelers? NA |
Observe Good Friday?: NA |
Use drama in worship?: NA |
Use dance in worship?: NA |
Exclusive psalmodists?: NA |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: NA |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: Yes |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: NA |
Use or display images?: NA |
Use incense?: NA |
Use or observe a church calendar?: NA |
Observe 'Advent'?: NA |
Observe Lent?: |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? NA |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Paul M. Elliott |
Phone: 410-848-0193 |
Title: Clerk of Session |
Fax: |
Address: Westminster |
MD |
21158 |
Email: pelliott@teachingtheword.org |
Church Name: Grace Bible Church |
Phone: 918.246.9901 |
Address: 7415 East 15th Street | |
Tulsa |
OK |
74063 |
Website: www.grace4u.org |
Contact Person: Dennis Gundersen |
Comments: Expository teaching; Reformed, passionate, joyful worship in song; committment to older-to-younger discipleship |
Creed/Confession: The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) |
Also subscribe to: |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: infant baptism |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Dennis Gundersen |
918.246.9901 |
918.834.4440 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: Age Only |
Submitted by Dennis Gundersen |
Phone: 918.246.9901 |
Title: Senior Pastor |
Fax: 918.834.4440 |
Address: Tulsa |
OK |
United States |
74063 |
Email: dennisgundersen@cs.com |
Church Name: Presbyterian Reformed Church of Columbus |
Phone: 812-372-6540 |
Address: Meeting at: 2222 Poshard Drive, #107 | |
Columbus |
IN |
47203 |
Website: www.presbyterianreformed.org |
Contact Person: Rev. Brad Freeman |
Comments: New work, following the Westminster Directory for Public Worship (1645), exclusive non-instrumental psalmody |
Creed/Confession: NA |
Also subscribe to: Original Westminster Confession of Faith (1647) |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: NA |
Areas of disagreement are: We adhere to the original 1647 version without exception |
Support any parachurch organizations? Yes |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? The Presbyterian Reformed Church |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: Yes |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: Yes |
Officers and Phone Numbers: Rev. Brad Freeman |
812-372-6540 |
Ordained as well as elected?: Yes |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: No Sunday School |
Submitted by Brad Freeman |
Phone: 812-372-6540 |
Title: Minister |
Fax: (432) 577-1746 |
Address: Columbus |
IN |
47203 |
Email: columbus@presbyterianreformed.org |
Church Name: Gospel of Grace Church |
Phone: (513) 738-4988 |
Address: 3777 Hamilton Cleves Rd. | National City Meeting Room, downstairs |
Ross |
OH |
45013 |
Website: http://www.gospeldefense.com |
Contact Person: Scott Price |
Comments: We are a non-denominational church emphasizing the Gospel of free and sovereign grace and justification by the imputation of Christ |
Creed/Confession: None |
Also subscribe to: We have posted a confession on our website |
Disagree with certain chapters of the Westminster Confession?: Yes |
Areas of disagreement are: Most disagreements relate to the nature of the church and strict Covenant Theology, we are "baptistic" and hold to a mod |
Support any parachurch organizations? No |
Which parachurch organizations are supported? |
Subscribe to Reformation Day Statement, Declaration, or both? Both |
Accept 'tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions,
or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?': No |
Agree with Bavinck statement? No |
Have a choir?: No |
Use drums in worship? No |
Observe Christmas?: No |
Use bells in worship?: No |
Use candles in worship?: No |
Use kneelers? No |
Observe Good Friday?: No |
Use drama in worship?: No |
Use dance in worship?: No |
Exclusive psalmodists?: No |
Are gowns or vestments worn?: No |
Recite the 'Apostles Creed'?: No |
Recite the 'Nicene Creed'?: No |
Use or display images?: No |
Use incense?: No |
Use or observe a church calendar?: No |
Observe 'Advent'?: No |
Observe Lent?: No |
Use Christmas trees in the public worship or display in meeting place? No |
Elected Officers?: No |
Officers and Phone Numbers: |
Ordained as well as elected?: NA |
Are all officers men?: Yes |
Sunday School divided by age/sex: No Sunday School |
Submitted by Anthony Lawson |
Phone: (513) 207-7623 |
Title: |
Fax: |
Address: Bromley |
KY |
41016 |
Email: anthonylawson2@juno.com |