Church Registry Questionnaire

[Church Registry Main Page] [Church List][Questionnaire]

If you are authorized by your church to apply for placement on the church registry, please complete this questionnaire.

If your answers are satisfactory, your church’s name will be added to the registry, and your answers will be published.

Church Name:
Church Website:
Address 2:
Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Contact Person:

Describe your church/fellowship:


1. Does your church or fellowship have a creed or confession? If so, what is it?

Other creed or confession of faith? List here:

2. Does your church or fellowship disagree with any of the 33 chapters of the Westminster Confession (see Gordon Clark’s book, What Do Presbyterians Believe? for the text of the American version)?

If so, please list areas of disagreement.

3. Does your church or fellowship belong to, affiliate with, or contribute financially to a denomination, mission agency, or other group (such as the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Campus Crusade, Coral Ridge Ministries, InterVarsity, Ligonier Ministries, Prison Fellowship, Promise Keepers)?

If so, which denomination(s), agency(s), or group(s)?

4. Does your church or fellowship subscribe to the Reformation Day Statement (which denounces Evangelicals and Catholics Together) and the Reformation Day Declaration (which denounces Evangelicals and Catholics Together [Charles Colson et al.], the New Perspective on Paul [N. T. Wright et al.], and the Auburn Avenue Theology [Norman Shepherd et al.] ) posted at the Trinity Foundation website?

5. Does your church or fellowship believe and teach that there are tensions, antinomies, apparent contradictions, or paradoxes in Scripture that cannot be logically reconciled?

6. Does your church or fellowship believe that “God’s revelation in creation and redemption fails to reveal him adequately..... in reality he is not what we declare him to be” (Herman Bavinck)?

7. Does your church or fellowship use, observe, or display any of the following in its public meetings (indicate all that are used or displayed):

a. choir?

b. drums?

c. Christmas or Christmas Eve services/communion?

d. bells?

e. candles?

f. kneelers?

g. Good Friday services/communion?

h. drama?

i. dance?

j. exclusive psalmody?

k. vestments/gowns?

l. recitation of the "Apostles Creed"?

m. recitation of the Nicene Creed?

n. images (paintings, statues, icons, pictures)?

o. incense?

p. church calendar?

q. Advent observance?

r. Lent observance?

s. Christmas trees?

8. Does your church or fellowship have elected officers that is, Elders and Deacons?


Phone Number:

9. Have those officers been ordained as well as elected?

10. Are all your officers men?

11. If you have a period of instruction you call Sunday School, do you divide attendees by age or sex?

Your Name (person completing form): Phone Number:
Your Title Fax Number:
City: State: Country: Postal Code: